
Things to know about the Kecak dance in Bali
Things to know about the Kecak dance in Bali

The Kecak dance is a traditional Balinese dance that originated in the 1930s in the village of Bona, located in the Gianyar regency of Bali, Indonesia. It is a form of the Ramayana story-telling through dance, music and chanting, and is performed by a group of men who sit in a circle, rhythmically chanting "cak" while making various arm movements.

The dance tells the story of the Ramayana, an epic Hindu poem about the god Rama and his rescue of his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana with the help of his monkey army led by Hanuman. The dancers, all male, portray the various characters in the story, including Rama, Sita, Hanuman, and Ravana.

The chanting and music is provided by the male performers, who use their voices to create intricate rhythms and melodies, while the dancers use their movements to bring the story to life. The combination of music, chanting, and dance creates a mesmerizing and trance-like atmosphere.

The Kecak dance is usually performed at temples and during religious ceremonies, but it has also become a popular tourist attraction in Bali. It is recognized as one of Indonesia's cultural treasures and has been declared a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.